
Riemannian preconditioned coordinate descent for low multi-linear rank approximation

FRMDN: flow-based recurrent mixture density network

The optimal triangulation method is not really optimal

Coordinate descent with multiple solution RANSAC for finding axes of symmetry

A new EM algorithm for flexibly tied GMMs with large number of components

Raabin-WBC: a large free access dataset of white blood cells from normal peripheral blood

Early screening of autism spectrum disorder using cry features

An Alternative to EM for Gaussian Mixture Model: Batch and Stochastic Riemannian Optimization

Novel Parameterization for Gauss–Newton Methods in 3-D Pose Graph Optimization

Exploiting generalization in the subspaces for faster model-based learning

Expected Logarithm of Central Quadratic Form

Kmeans++ for Mixtures of Von Mises-Fisher Distributions

Improved Bayesian Information Criterion